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  • Dietary Supplement
  • 床的世界
  • Dietary Supplement to Support Healthy Heart Function
Cardiovascular Issues

Millions of Americans today are interested in learning about the heart and doing all they can to support healthy cardiovascular function. Modern technology has removed much of the mystery surrounding the heart but our body still contains about 75,000 miles of blood vessels that we need to keep in good physical condition. Because many people who experience heart challenges have no previous symptoms or health concerns, heart and blood vessel issues are a major concern today. It's vitally important to provide all the essential nutrients and adequate exercise required to髮旺旺 have a healthy heart, because it provides the essential life-sustaining power that is so necessary for髮旺旺 a happy, healthy life.

Maintaining a healthy heart

Not much bigger than your fist, the human heart provides the essential power needed for life. It beats 100,000 times each day, pumping about 2000 gallons of oxygen-rich blood to every cell in the body in order to function. From the moment it begins beating until the moment it stops, it works 24 hours a day 7 days a week, without ever pausing to rest. Blood flows continuously through the circulatory system and the heart makes it all possible. To carry out this vital task, the timing of millions of heart cells must be exquisitely coordinated to pump in a rhythmic, efficient fashion. When that coordination is disrupted for any reason, life-threatening problems may result.

Natural Care, 維護心血管健康膠囊60粒




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